Rogaia Blog

A sea of flowers - Umbria in early summer

At the moment we are experiencing a flower explosion in La Rogaia:
April has brought a lot of water and has turned our garden into a sea of flowers.

One more reason to come to La Rogaia in May and to explore Umbria in the Whitsun holidays.

Last minute discount of up to 30%!

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Fagiolina del Trasimeno. Foto:
Fagiolina del Trasimeno. Foto:

La Fagiolina del Trasimeno - recipes with a noble bean

When we think of bean stew, we usually have in mind a mashy pap from a tin can or "chili con carne" from a field kitchen.

But there are also noble varieties of beans that are very popular with gourmets. These include the "Fagiolina del Trasimeno", which has been cultivated since antiquity in the fertile wetlands around Lake Trasimeno. We tell you, what can be made out of the inconspicuous tiny beans ...

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Isola Polvese in Lake Trasimeno
Isola Polvese in Lake Trasimeno

The Islands of Lake Trasimeno

By ferry boat you can reach two of the islands in Lake Trasimeno: the Isola Polvese from San Feliciano, the Isola Maggiore from Passignano or from Tuoro. Both islands are car-free and, apart from Sundays and holidays, they are sleeping peacefully in the midst of Lake Trasimeno, the blue eye of Umbria. An ideal destination for a peaceful day trip.

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Borgo Sala
Borgo Sala

Waterfalls and Canyons in Umbria

On a hot, dry summer day, one yearns for nothing more but a cool spot and a bath in cold water.

Of course there are shady places  in the garden of La Rogaia and the pool offers refreshment.  But a day trip to one of the Devil's gorges and waterfalls in Umbria is a special experience.

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Equitazione Lilhoff
Equitazione Lilhoff

Horse Riding at Lake Trasimeno

Lake Trasimeno does not only offer a variety of water sports facilities.

Around the lake there are also quite a few riding stables, which organize rides into the beautiful landscape around the lake.

Here are our tips:

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Trasimeno Music Festival. Foto:
Trasimeno Music Festival. Foto:

Music Festivals in Umbria in June and July

Every year in June and July two important music festivals take place in Umbria. Lovers of classical music gather at shores of Trasimeno Lake for the "Trasimeno Music Festival", organized by the Canadian world-class pianist Angela Hewitt.
Jazz fans flock to the Umbrian capital in the second week of July to celebrate one of the most prestigious jazz festivals in the world: "Umbria Jazz" in the historical town center of Perugia. Also this year the list of performers from the international jazz and pop world is impressive.

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Greetings from our garden

When we arrived to La Rogaia almost twenty years ago there was no garden and the sheep of the previous owners grazed up to the door step of the house.

Now our roses show their whole colourful splendour every year in May and June. Get an impression ....


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Piscine termali Theia Chianciano. Foto:
Piscine termali Theia Chianciano. Foto:

Thermal spas in Tuscany

The ancient Tuscan spas are about one hours drive away from agritourism La Rogaia.

Book now a holiday at Villa La Rogaia and get a free wellness day for two at the thermal spa of Chianciano Terme

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Italian Food, what makes the difference?

Italian cuisine is considered to be one of the best in the world, but what is it that makes it so special? We will reveal to you some of the secrets ...

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View from La Rogaia towards Monte Amiata
View from La Rogaia towards Monte Amiata

"Monte Amiata"

One of the most spectacular views to be enjoyed from La Rogaia is the view of Monte Amiata. It is an extinct volcano, 5,702 feet high and the second highest mountain of Tuscany.
A trip to Monte Amiata is worth in every season. It is a 2 hours drive from La Rogaia almost to the top of the mountain. Only the last few hundred meters have to be climbed by foot.
A trip to Monte Amiata is particularly attractive in midsummer. On the mountain heights one can escape the summer heat.

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